Concluded STSMs

Burned area, weather, landscape and socioeconomic spatial interaction analysis case study in Sweden

Juan Antonio Muñoz Navarro
During this STSM we have collaborated with the Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI) of the University of Coimbra to carry out burning experiments on wild and ornamental plants from species typically present in the surroundings and the gardens of the wildland-urban interface settlements. We have sampled trees from these species before and after the burning tests to know their fuel and moisture distribution, and the changes in moisture content and the degree of fuel consumption of each fuel type after a fire. We have developed burning tests at both, full-scale and bench scale, recording data on mass depletion over time, flame temperature and geometry.

October 2, 2021

WUI flammability experiments at whole-plant scale

Juan Antonio Muñoz Navarro
During this STSM we have collaborated with the Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI) of the University of Coimbra to carry out burning experiments on wild and ornamental plants from species typically present in the surroundings and the gardens of the wildland-urban interface settlements. We have sampled trees from these species before and after the burning tests to know their fuel and moisture distribution, and the changes in moisture content and the degree of fuel consumption of each fuel type after a fire. We have developed burning tests at both, full-scale and bench scale, recording data on mass depletion over time, flame temperature and geometry.

August 24, 2021

Efficiency of public environmental measures in post-fire restoration of oak woodlands in Portugal

Mr Luis Lopes
The main motivation was to harness, as much as possible, the experience and expertise in the topics of post-fire restoration, at short, medium and long terms, develop and expand my knowledge regarding new tools and methodologies for post-fire restoration assessments, and lastly, understand potential differences in burned areas restoration processes and policies between Galicia/Spain and Portugal.

October 23, 2020

New methodological approaches to elaborate forest vegetation of Pines ( Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus peuce) dominated forests on Balkan region in term for importance and understanding for nature conservation and prevention of forest fires

Mr Dejan Mandzukovski
The main aim was testing of new methodological approaches to elaborate forest vegetation of Pines, also different methods for numerical analysis - supervise methods (agglomerative method – PC-Ord; division method – Modified TWINSPAN) using JUICE software.

October 23, 2020

The role of smart solutions in mitigating fire risk: a review

Dr Mario Colonico
The aim was to collect smart solutions and best practices that have an impact on fire risk management in two different Mediterranean fire-prone regions, Italy, and Spain. The political framework, socio-economic constraints, ownership, and legal issues will be analyzed in order to assess if and how local features can be overcome and transferability allowed among different EU contexts.

May 23, 2020

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