Post of the month 11/2019:<br/>Launch of the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment, and Society

The Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society is a new global research centre which aims to address the multi-scaled challenges of wildfire in a comprehensive, global and transdisciplinary context.

Bringing together physical and social scientists to understand the dynamics shaping fire in the Earth system, the Centre will undertake research to better quantify and forecast fire’s incidence, study its local impacts, and explore how societies can live with fire more sustainably.

Led by Imperial College London, with collaborators at Kings College London, the University of Reading and Royal Holloway University of London, the £10m funding from the Leverhulme Trust will support the Centre for ten years.

We welcome the FIRElinks community to our launch event on Wednesday 13th November at Imperial College London. As well as hearing from our Centre Director, Professor Colin Prentice, we have three excellent international guest speakers lined up:

• Professor Andrew Scott (Royal Holloway, University of London) on the wildfire challenge – past, present and future;
• Marc Castellnou (Strategic Fire Analyst of Bombers de Catalunya, Visiting Professor at Universitat de Lleida, and Chairman of the Pau Costa Foundation) on fire at the wildland-urban interface;
• Professor Sally Archibald (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) giving a wildfire perspective from Africa.

You will also be able to engage in a panel discussion and have a networking opportunity at our drinks reception. This symposium is free to attend but please register here for your ticket in advance.

We look forward to engaging with the FIRElinks community both at the launch event and into the future – we welcome looking for ways to collaborate together.

If you’d like to know more about the Centre, please visit our website, and follow us on Twitter @centrewildfires.

To get in touch, email Dr Adriana Ford, Centre Manager, at

Twitter: @centrewildfires

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